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Florida Bulldog delivers fact-based watchdog reporting as a public service that’s essential to a free and democratic society. We are nonprofit, independent, nonpartisan, experienced. No fake news here.


One response to “franknask”

  1. Listen, Frank NASK My mother and I have been living in Florida for 5 years, we are full american citizens from Ohio and my mom got diagnosed for arthritis and you guys have seriously been literally LITERALLY the worst hospital/people i have ever encountered for my life. To the point where it questions me if you give a shit or not about my mothers existence. She is a SERVER she has never hurt a fly in a her life she is literally the greatest women ive ever known. I DEMAND i get a reply or else i am going to contact Mr. Jorge Palomino my lawyer and criminology boss. My mother can barely even walk, she works 5 days a week and when she comes in you just keep refilling her pills and sending her home. YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING IF YOU ARE READING THIS. I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW IMPORTANT IT IS THAT I GET SOME AMERICAN HEALTHCARE FOR MY SICK MOTHER IMMEDIATELY. MY NEXT ACTION IS TO COME IN IN PERSON.

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