Florida Bulldog

State Supreme Court Justices Francis and Sasso, up for retention votes, might as well have lifetime tenure

Florida Supreme Court Justices Renatha Francis, right, and Meredith Sasso

By Noreen Marcus,

In a hyperactive election season, it’s easy to forget this Florida ballot issue: Should two of the seven Supreme Court justices be allowed to keep their seats?

Voters will find “Justice Renatha Francis” and “Justice Meredith Sasso” somewhere down-ballot. No party affiliation, no opposition. Shall they be “retained in office?” Yes or no.

In theory, Francis and Sasso could win fewer than 50 percent plus one “yes“ votes and have to find other employment after the Nov. 5 election. Or, they could retire while still in their 40s.

But the operative word is “theory.”

None of their predecessors has been rejected in the 48 years since Florida voters adopted a merit retention system for district appellate judges and Supreme Court justices.

This means the governor picks those jurists; then voters discard or approve them for six-year terms. Merit retention was intended to be a check on the governor’s appointment power.

Former Miami-Dade Public Defender Bennett Brummer

It hasn’t worked out that way, however, according to Bennett Brummer, who was Miami-Dade County’s public defender for 32 years before retiring at the start of 2009.


“Merit retention elections are a sham,” he said.

In the last merit retention election, part of the 2022 midterms, almost 1 million fewer voters cast ballots for the justices than for the governor’s race between incumbent Gov. Ron DeSantis and Charlie Crist. A total of 7,720,523 voted for governor. Justice Charles Canady, who had the highest vote total of five justices, won 4,358,513  “yes” votes and 2,455,888 “no” votes, for a total of 6,814,401.

Brummer said many voters skip over the merit retention ballot section because, among other reasons, “the people recognize that their vote is meaningless.”

“There’s no check on the governor at a time when we really need some sort of balance of power and some sort of separation of powers,” he said. “The merit retention elections are part of a trend toward elimination of meaningful elections, which consolidates power in the government and shifts power away from the public.”

This election season, no one’s challenging Francis or Sasso, let alone mounting an aggressive campaign that might affect the vote. The last time that happened, in 2012, the Koch family and other wealthy conservatives failed to unseat the three liberals they targeted, Justices Barbara Pariente, Peggy Quince and R. Fred Lewis.

Also this election season, the Florida Bar didn’t conduct its usual poll of what is now nearly 100,000 lawyer members to help voters decide which justices and district appellate judges to keep and which to discard.

Last year the Bar’s Board of Governors ended the poll, after 45 years, based on a recommendation from its Program Evaluation Committee, according to Bar spokesperson Jennifer Krell Davis.

She explained in an email to Florida Bulldog that a subcommittee had examined the poll’s current value. “Concerns were raised about the poll not being scientifically based” and “the possibility of the results being manipulated by campaigns,” Davis wrote.

Subcommittee members discussed whether the poll “could be perceived as political conduct, which is outside of The Florida Bar’s role as an arm of the Florida Supreme Court,” she wrote.

With federal courts requiring “a more limited role” for state Bars, The Florida Bar is reconsidering many programs, Davis wrote.


For context, in the 2022 merit retention poll, the court’s only moderate, Justice Jorge Labarga, got the highest marks from 5,738 lawyers: 87 percent of poll-takers with “considerable knowledge” approved of his performance.

Justice Jamie Grosshans, a member of the court’s far-right supermajority, had the lowest grade, 55 percent, and 45 percent of knowledgeable respondents wanted her off the court.

Despite those evaluations, and newspaper editorials urging voters to reject the four conservative justices, they all easily won retention and Labarga didn’t outshine his colleagues. In fact, Grosshans, with 63.8 percent for retention, did slightly better than Labarga, with 62.3 percent – the lowest percentage of positive retention votes.

Retired Leon County Circuit Court Judge Janet Ferris

So why even bother to print the names of Francis and Sasso on ballots – names known to few people outside the judicial system  – and count their votes? The merit retention system gifts Florida appellate judges with the same lifetime tenure that federal judges enjoy, critics say.

“I don’t think that merit retention has proven to be a viable option for people in a democratic form of government,” said Janet Ferris, a retired Tallahassee circuit court judge.

She suggested that because appellate judges are known mainly through their opinions and jurisprudence, or, their legal philosophy, any non-lawyer who wants to be an informed voter must master a steep learning curve. And that’s unrealistic.

“It’s just too much to ask a regular person to parse jurisprudence and legal decision-making,” Ferris said. “I think I’m able to do that because I’m a retired judge, but what does the average person do? Is it fair?”


Up until 1976, all Florida trial and appellate judges were elected. Today trial judges still run for office, but thanks to a high court corruption scandal, appellate judges are appointed and retained. In the early 1970s three justices resigned, their reputations destroyed by cronyism and influence-peddling.

“A retention election was a compromise, politically, between those who favored a merit-selection form of appointment and those who wanted to keep elections,” said Supreme Court historian Neil Skene. “Republicans, the minority party in Florida then, especially saw local elections as the only way that Republicans could win judgeships.”

In 1976 voters passed a ballot measure that added merit retention to the state constitution. Judicial nominating commissions (JNCs) would screen applicants, recommend the best candidates to the governor, and make sure the courts weren’t stocked with the chief executive’s buddies.

The governor chose only three of the nine members on the first JNCs. That changed in the early 2000s, when Gov. Jeb Bush backed legislation that let governors pick a majority of commissioners. Eventually the governor was empowered to select all nine.

“It was the beginning of the end for merit selection,” former Supreme Court Justice Harry Lee Anstead has written. “As a result, we are right back to a system where the governor, and partisan politics, control the entire process.”

DeSantis has used his authority to transform the Supreme Court from majority liberal to supermajority conservative. He says he relies on the Federalist Society for help with judicial selections, and court insiders have described his intense efforts to install a panel of justices who would severely limit legal abortion in Florida.

The governor succeeded on April 1 with the court’s ruling in Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida v. State. In a majority opinion written by his appointee Grosshans, the court authorized an extreme, six-week abortion ban. The ruling shrank Florida’s constitutional privacy guarantee, which had protected personal decisions like abortion choice, so that the law covers only informational secrecy.

The vote was 6-1, with Labarga dissenting. Sasso, another DeSantis appointee, wrote a separate opinion that questioned Planned Parenthood’s right to challenge the state abortion ban.


In a second April 1 ruling, a divided 4-3 court approved a Nov. 5 ballot measure, Amendment 4, that could end government interference with women’s reproductive rights.

Francis wrote the dissent: “One must recognize the unborn’s competing right to life, and the state’s moral duty to protect that life.” (DeSantis appointed Francis twice; his first appointment failed because she was unqualified.)

The Planned Parenthood ruling has become a landmark both for its impact and for what it shows about individual justices. It should be a factor in voters’ decision to retain or reject Francis and Sasso, according to Ferris, the former trial judge.

“My expectation for all the justices on the Florida Supreme Court would be that they take their position seriously, and when presented with an issue of such tremendous importance as privacy, that they handle it honestly and forthrightly,” she said.

“I read this opinion and it just makes me angry because I don’t think it was an analysis of the privacy amendment, or of the law, that was legitimate,” Ferris said. “They had personal issues that entered into the decision and that’s really, really disappointing.

“I don’t know how you would discuss what they wrote in a way that would make it make sense,” she said.

As for Francis and Sasso, “if they wanted my vote, I would have expected those two justices to then say, ‘I understand what the majority is saying but I can’t agree with it.’”

Ferris said she might favor replacing merit retention with term limits, much like what Congress is considering for the unpopular U.S. Supreme Court. But what she’d most like is for an independent commission to take a close look at the current system and recommend reforms.

“I don’t know what the right answer is, but I think it’s beyond the time for some very smart people to sit down and talk about this.”

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8 responses to “State Supreme Court Justices Francis and Sasso, up for retention votes, might as well have lifetime tenure”

  1. I know these elections are a sham, but if they offer any means at all of expressing disgust with Ron DeSantis and all associated with him who hold positions of power, they’re worth voting.

  2. VOTE NO to RETAIN Anti-Justice RENATHA FRANCIS Avatar

    TY BULLDOG & Ms. MARCUS. Former Dade Cty Public Defender Brummer is RIGHT: “Merit retention elections are a SHAM.” I know arrogant APPELLATE JUDGES who refused to FOLLOW THE LAW and OVERRULE RENATHA FRANCIS ignoring her denial of DUE PROCESS OF LAW to PARENTS with CASES she controlled. She left Palm Bch County Family Court in Sept. 2022 without preparing Final Judgments on numerous TRIALS SHE HEARD. Hence her replacement Judge must perform RE-TRIALS–costing WE TAXPAYERS and the LITIGANTS Thousands of $$$$ Dollars to be heard once again! It’s all in the CLERK of Court’s Records.
    READERS please SHARE the TRUTH with EVERYONE YOU KNOW on NON-PATRIOT, ANTI-Justice RENATHA FRANCIS’s MALFEASANCE of DUTY & discrimination against MOTHERS! FRANCIS routinely violated the Constitution and BTW she was NOT a regular participant at the Federalist Club! BILLBOARDS should be purchased posting the Truth about FICKLE FRANCIS! IF FRANCIS is retained, WE THE PEOPLE need to institute a movement for TERM LIMITS FOR ALL JUDGES!

  3. Used to be an honor to serve on the State Supreme Court, a position EARNED through years of hearing cases in the lower courts, proving your professionalism by earning the respect of lawyers, prosecutors, and defense attorneys. Generally you needed decades of jurist experience to even be considered for this position of responsibility. State Supreme Court Justices Francis and Sasso were appointed by Desantis without regard to any such qualifying experience. Both justices had negative ratings by the Florida Bar, and little courtroom experience. No problem. Francis and Sasso presented with their personal outspoken support of the conservative Federalist Society agenda. That was sufficient “experience” to be selected by Desantis for what is effectively lifetime tenure in the important highest court of the land. These young ambitious conservative servants of the Federalists Society will bring decades of jaded opinions to the Supreme Court to the harm of residents, women, workers and the environment. Buckle up, it’s going to be a rough ride Floridians.

  4. With Florida leading the nation on every metric I would totally support Governor DeSantis’ selections on the SC. I see no need to fix something that is not broken. I’m sure there are many jealous and upset liberal Dem legal beagles in Florida who can’t seem to get any support from anyone but their tiny constituency, but this is the will of the electorate, not Hollyweird. Floridians love Gov. DeSantis who received more Dem votes in his re-election than any Florida governor in history. Florida is a RED state and will stay that way.


  6. NO THEY SHOULD NOT BE “RETAINED “ in office Avatar

    How can we go back to judges actually being elected ? Actually serving “we the people”?These judges have a position and some of them don’t really need to work hard for the Fight for Justice and due process of law. That is the sham!
    I know first hand the Francis “law” which isn’t justice but instead injustice. She did not strive to protect children and families yet comments about protecting the “unborn “.
    Francis wrote about the unborn’s competing right but she should do her job and actually protect the actual children that are affected by her unjust, unlawful rulings and procedures. A judges job is to protect the citizens and uphold the actual law . Their cushy salaries are paid by the taxpayers and we have laws in place for them to enforce .
    She did not enforce simple black letter law in her courtroom as in actually assuring the serving of the notices to BOTH litigants . Very simple and obviously a necessity but she did not follow through on this simple process and costs the taxpayers extra court time and MORE LITIGATION.
    She wrote Exparte orders and held hearings without writing any hearing notice. She rubber stamped her signature on orders “verbatim” . She believed a money hungry, dishonest attorney with NO PROOF that he tried to settle with mediation, ( because he did not ), and instead caused many MORE YEARS of litigation that just keeps on going so he can continue to get paid . So much for serving the people ! This allowed the lawfare to continue and encouraged the injustice to continue and she left for the Supreme Court without preparing final judgements on many trails . A waste of time and money !
    If they had to strive to keep their positions then these judges would do a better job or LOSE THEIR JOBS . This would create a fair justice system versus allowing a judge to do whatever they want to our citizens and the taxpayers who pay their salaries.

  7. Just another whiny liberal complaining that his views are being ignored so everyone else should have to see it his way or he is going to throw a liberal hissy fit. Maybe he could go move to the left coast and be happy? Nah! Liberals are never happy!

  8. It is always a blast to see judges who are not deserving *not* retained. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen. Judges can’t campaign for retention in my state, anyway. But we the people can. It is well worth putting your grievances up in a billboard on the Florida Turnpike and getting out the “say NO to retention” vote. Don’t get mad. Get even. And help everyone else in the process.

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