Florida Bulldog

Broward Sheriff “Dr.” Tony’s next act: A sequel to the Powertrac scandal of two decades ago

Broward Sheriff “Dr.” Gregory Tony, right, and former sheriff Ken Jenne

By Dan Christensen,

Two decades ago, the Broward Sheriff’s Office was rocked by a controversial police accountability system called Powertrac that authorities said put pressure on Broward Sheriff’s deputies to falsify crime reports to clear cases.

Last week, embattled Sheriff “Dr.” Gregory Tony sent a memo to his executive command staff announcing that he will soon implement a similar crime statistics measuring system called COMPSTAT.

“Effective May 1st, the Broward Sheriff’s Office (BSO) will reinstitute full COMPSTAT quarterly evaluations for all Department of Law Enforcement (DLE), Department of Detention (DoD), Fire Rescue (FR), Department of Preparedness and Response (DPR) and Communications,’’ says the memo.

“This is a strategic step to enhance data-driven decision-making, improve operational ACCOUNTABILITY, and ensure effective resource deployment across our core high liability disciplines.”

Rank-and-file deputies were required to watch a training video about COMPSTAT last week.

News of BSO’s restart of crime-stats accountability has sent a collective chill down BSO’s administrative spine, as sources have described it.  And it comes as BSO has faced a barrage of criticism over how deputies responded to a Feb. 16 triple homicide in Tamarac.

Nathan Gingles


Tony acknowledged this week that BSO “fell short” in its handling of repeated domestic violence calls involving suspect Nathan Gingles, who is jailed on three charges of first-degree murder in the shooting deaths of his estranged wife Mary Gingles, her father David Ponzer and a neighbor, Andrew Ferrin.

Tony initially placed seven deputies on paid administrative leave. CBS News Miami has reported that a BSO captain was later demoted and an eighth deputy was also placed on paid leave.

On Thursday night, CBS News Miami first reported that more than 6,000 BSO cases dating back “seven or eight years” are now under review for apparently not being investigated and remain open. The news program displayed a document reporter Joan Murray said shows “open cases from 2024 that include battery and theft.” Sources told Florida Bulldog that the huge number of apparently dropped cases was the result of flaws in BSO’s internal case coding system that prevented proper assignment for follow up-investigation. How remains unclear.

Powertrac was first used by then-Sheriff Ron Cochran in 1997. It was modeled on COMPSTAT, short for Compare Stats, a crime-fighting tool developed by New York City police a few years earlier to quickly assess crime patterns and respond.

Cochran died in September 1997, and Gov. Lawton Chiles appointed Ken Jenne to replace him in January 1998. Sheriff Jenne adopted Powertrac, short for Provide Objectives Where Enforcement Resources Target Responses Against Crime, expanded it and then repeatedly cited it publicly for reducing crime rates.

In September 2003, a consultant reported to Jenne that “Powertrac sessions are tightly scripted, and the problem solving is rare and tentative…The process is dreaded to the point that people are taking sick leave to avoid it…”


A month later, the Broward State Attorney’s Office began a probe into allegations that deputies had falsified crime reports because of the pressure created by Powertrac. At least a half-dozen BSO detectives were charged with misdemeanors or felonies, including official misconduct. Two detectives pleaded guilty to misdemeanors, the Sun-Sentinel reported in 2006.

One ex-BSO detective, Christian Zapata, was found not guilty by a jury on eight charges of official misconduct for making up confessions and blaming crimes on other innocent people and had six other charges dropped by prosecutors, the Sun-Sentinel reported.

The Miami Herald reported in March 2004 that BSO was claiming to have solved half of the crimes committed the previous year in the areas it patrolled. That was 2 ½ times the national average.

The Herald said BSO had reported “a streak of six straight years of improvement in BSO’s [case] clearance rate – and decreases in the crime rate. “In that six-year span, the share of crimes cleared – either by arrest and prosecution or by a variety of ‘exceptional clearance’ categories – rose from 36 percent to 50.8 percent…The average clearance rate nationwide is just over 20 percent.”

Jenne suspended use of Powertrac in January 2005.

Sheriff Tony’s claims about COMPSTAT’s usefulness are similar to Jenne’s claims for Powertrac – yet without any mention of the crime-stats scandal.

“Benefits of COMPSTAT implementation: Enhanced Crime Reduction Strategies. By analyzing crime trends and patterns, district commanders can proactively implement strategies to mitigate emerging threats,” Tony’s memo states. 

“Increased Accountability. Regular performance evaluations ensure that district leadership remains engaged and responsible for measurable outcomes; Efficient Resource Allocation. Data-driven insights help optimize personnel and assets, improving response times and overall service delivery; Improved Community Engagement. Transparent crime analysis fosters trust with the public and strengthens community policing efforts; Operational Consistency. Standardized reporting and performance evaluations create a unified approach across all districts.”


But an accountability system like COMPSTAT, which is still used by many police agencies in Florida and across the country, is only as good as the leaders who employ it.

Former Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti

“It crashed and burned under Jenne because he used it the wrong way. You know, it was a punishment, not a critique,” said former Sheriff Al Lamberti, who was in office from 2007-2013. “My whole worry about Tony is that quote he gave, ‘And I’m going to put the fear of God into everybody.’ That tells me he’s doing it for the wrong reason. His motivation is to punish, not improve.”

In the memo, Tony named himself as chairman of COMPSTAT’s Executive Evaluation Board of Commanders, who will serve two-year terms “renewed at my discretion.” The other board members are: Undersheriff Nichole Anderson, co-chair; Colonel Steve Robson ; Colonel Benny Ahmed; Colonel John Hale; Lt. Col. Scott Champagne; Lt. Col. Jeff Cirminiello; Major Robert Schnakenberg; and Major Barry Lindquist.

Here’s how Tony ended his memo:

“As we move forward, all commanders should ensure their teams are prepared for the upcoming quarterly evaluations.  Moreover, NO administrators or commanders or captains will be permitted vacation time on their scheduled COMPSTAT debriefs.  You shall be present to discuss your respective commands.

“Additional details on scheduling and reporting expectations will be shared in the coming weeks.

“The only standard worth pursuing is EXCELLENCE, but I will settle for greatness.    

“Sheriff Dr. Tony”  

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12 responses to “Broward Sheriff “Dr.” Tony’s next act: A sequel to the Powertrac scandal of two decades ago”

  1. “The only standard worth pursuing is excellence.” Hey Dr Dummy, you shot and killed your FRIEND and lied about it to Ron The Douche DeSantis. You should be digging ditches for a living, not pretending to be ethical. So you’re creating a situation where Captains and above will do whatever it takes to convince your dumbass their districts are fighting crime. Not a good recipe for success. Remember I said that. The Deputies who work at BSO would be fools to be proactive with all your threats and bullying. Side note Sheriff Scumbag, an arbitrator doesn’t give a crap about your inexperienced opinion. That Tamarac incident is horrific, mistakes were clearly made. You throwing a temper tantrum won’t fix it. Remember Slick, you had an accidental discharge while handling a domestic in Coral Springs. Yeah, I want advice from an idiot. Anyhow, you’ve fooled the media, the voters and most people are afraid to tell you the truth. Maybe LSD use makes you dumb and a bully. I’m well aware people with money are kissing your ass and you’ll keep getting elected by an uninformed voter base because you’ll out spend the competition. Thats the system we have. Eventually this will blow up and you’ll be a has been. Have a nice day Mr Home Invasion Robbery. If one of your swinger conventions creates a conflict with a COMSTAT meeting will you cancel your vacation??😂😂😂😂

  2. Broward Resident Avatar

    Both of my parents worked for BSO during this era and suicides occurred due to Jenne’s implementation of POWERTRAC. Instead of resolving the issues at the source, Jenne punished and this pushed officers to exaggerate to keep the numbers looking good and avoid punishment.

  3. The most important part of any accountability program is having the right people asking the questions. There is nothing wrong with oversight; in fact, most people do not mind it.

    There are a few people at BSO who could run an oversight program. However, when someone who has never been held accountable for his missteps (I use that term loosely) and failed leadership appoints himself as Chairman of the Board, the chances of meaningful change are unlikely.

    I wish the employees and those stuck in this system the best of luck with what appears to be a knee-jerk reaction. It seems like the deck chairs are simply being rearranged.

    “Promoting the wrong person to a position of authority is like handing a sword to someone who doesn’t know which end is sharp.”

  4. Steve is being polite, Sheriff Shit For Brains is not qualified to be a janitor. Unfortunately Ron The Douche DeSantis is protecting him. Why? Who knows. So we get to continue listening to Dr Big Head tell us how he’s going to hold people accountable. Look in the mirror you turd, you’ve been given a pass for years for unforgivable sins. Save your BS for the dummies at election time.

  5. Yes another reason for the governor to remove this sheriff !! Over 6100 cases never assigned to investigate. This sheriff definitely has something on someone !

  6. Tehran Dixon Avatar

    This seems to be a known issue that continued decades. However, what did BSO successfully put in place to mitigate deputies manipulations? What was Internal Affairs seeing or even doing? I had a serious case where BSO Tamarac literally left the case inactive and refused to investigate it. Also, why did cities with no place departments continue to use BSO or not have oversite within the department they used in their cities?

  7. Three people are dead who should not be. The sheriff’s threats are ridiculous. The “doctor” is in charge, he makes that very clear to everyone, at every opportunity. He must be in charge, his name is engraved in stone, laminated into shower curtains, and plastered all over the patrol cars. He is in charge of EVERYTHING without ever being personally responsible. The governor, Ron MeSantis, won’t remove him. That would mean that he made a mistake. MeSantis is hanging on by a thread, trying to have his wife elected to replace him. They are both toast, as is the doctor sheriff. There is no respect lost on him or his title(s). Steve Feeley has it right and explained it perfectly. However, Jerry Fuller said it exactly like we, the general public, are feeling. Ya gotta go man. You’ve been protected for a long time, but, the money people don’t feel the same way about you anymore. It’s a big agency. One more significant error and you’ll be wishing you had been smarter about staying at BSO. We don’t like you.

  8. 44 said ‘elections have consequences ‘ so here you go Broward voters. Whatever…..

  9. There needs to be outside sources not connected to BSO to have oversight over the organization. They’ve been proven time and time again these people can’t be trusted.

    It’s what I’m fighting for with

  10. Lauren your browardcopwatch is crap. It is the sheriff that is corrupt and slimy. If the head is rotten then why should anyone care? It is your fellow voters that put this criminal in his position. Focus on that.

  11. H. Callahan Avatar

    It’s amazing what this guy has gotten away with. If Gov. DuhSantis had been a real leader & pinned that the man lied to him rather than be concerned that he wasn’t properly vetted (it addition to cjstc issues not reported to them) & removed him with cause, we wouldn’t be here.
    This man flaunts his honor & integrity now that he agreed to a settlement, when in reality he has no honor or especially integrity.

  12. That guy who is long gone. Avatar
    That guy who is long gone.

    Power Trac again? Good Luck with that, and this Sheriff’s ego & attitude. BSO Command will be more worried about zone patrols and ops plans than actually handling calls and serving citizens. IF and only IF command staff has to go and let the Deputies be given direction from the Sgt’s and Lt’s then perhaps it can work. Power corrupts and this will likely turn into a round table inquisition, with embarrassment and humiliation as a tool to punish. Fear of reassignment and demotion will be the norm.
    In time, this too will lead to corruption and stats manipulation. I saw it all the 1st time, start to finish. To the good men and woman at BSO good luck with that. So glad that I am long retired.

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