Florida Bulldog

Now the ethics commission’s more serious case against Broward Sheriff Tony is circling the drain

ethics commission's
A previous group of ethics commissioners in 2022 found probable cause to believe Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony failed to disclose his “drug use history and an arrest for homicide” before Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed him sheriff in 2019. What will this group do about it?

By Dan Christensen,

Poof! And just like that, Broward Sheriff “Dr.” Gregory Tony’s years of disturbing legal troubles, like failing to disclose his arrest for murder and history of drug use before Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed him sheriff in January 2019, appear poised to go quietly away.

You’ll recall that two weeks ago, Tony had his knuckles rapped by Florida’s Criminal Justice Standards & Training Commission (CJSTC) when it issued him a “letter of counseling” after he was found by an administrative law judge to have lied under oath when he applied for a Florida driver’s license shortly after taking office.

With that matter resolved, Tony was soon to face a second administrative trial on different, more serious charges brought by Florida’s Commission on Ethics in 2022. Those charges, which Tony appealed to the Division of Administrative hearings, were put on hold while the CJSTC’s case proceeded.

The case docket disclosed Monday that Tony and the ethics commission “have settled the matter” and “wish to forego a final hearing at the Division of Administrative Hearings in this case.” Judge John Van Laningham granted the motion Monday, returning the case to the ethics commission.

On Monday, Florida Bulldog obtained the ethics commission’s copy of the proposed five-page settlement agreement between Tony and the commission. It would both wrap up the case against him without any public trial and dish out more of the same limp punishment – public censure and a reprimand – for the ethics commission’s more serious violations.

Broward Sheriff “Dr.” Gregory Tony

Under its terms, Tony would now “accept” the findings of the administrative law judge that he largely rejected and fought during this month’s hearing before the CJSTC. Judge James Kilbride, who heard the CJSTC’s case against Tony, determined Tony had lied under oath by denying a past suspension of his driver’s license in Pennsylvania when he applied for a Florida driver’s license in 2019 – a criminal offense of felony perjury.


You might think that Tony’s withholding pertinent information about his background, like an arrest for murder, to convince the governor to appoint him sheriff would be serious enough to warrant consideration as part of any ethics settlement. But after a simple listing of the allegations against him in the settlement papers, that charge and others – like providing false information to the Coral Springs Police Department about his drug use, arrest history, traffic citation history and that he’d previously applied for and been denied a job as a cop in Tallahassee – just fade away.

(Florida Bulldog first reported on May 2, 2020 that when Tony was 14 and living in a poor Philadelphia neighborhood he shot and killed a man named Hector “Chino” Rodriguez. Tony has said he killed in self-defense and that Rodriguez was armed. Witness statements obtained by Philadelphia police say the opposite – that Rodriguez was unarmed and that Tony fired in cold blood. An autopsy found two bullet holes in the back of Rodriguez’s head, execution style.)

That vanishing act, plus Tony’s new acceptance of the judge’s findings about how he lied under oath to get his driver’s license renewed in 2019, apparently now facilitate the settlement Tony wants to put the case to bed. That is, his lone acknowledgement that he violated Section 112.313(6) Florida Statutes “by using his position to secure a benefit, privilege, or exemption regarding the February 2019 driver’s renewal” – the same offense he’s already been punished for by the CJSTC.

To make the deal even sweeter for Tony, the ethics commission’s advocate Melody Hadley – who believe it or not is actually an assistant attorney general assigned to the commission –agreed to a stipulation that would let Tony disavow the deal should the ethics commission, with eight of its nine seats filled, reject it at its March 7 meeting.

“In the event that it is not approved by the Commission on Ethics as written, this document shall be of no purpose and effect and shall not be deemed an admission by Respondent [Tony],” says the “Joint Stipulation of Fact, Law and Recommended Order” that Tony, his Tallahassee lawyer and Hadley all signed on Friday.

“The Advocate and Respondent have entered into this Joint Stipulation and urge the Commission on Ethics to approve it in lieu of further hearings in this cause,” the agreement says.


The last time Advocate Hadley – read prosecutor Hadley – made a recommendation about Tony in 2022 the commission flatly rejected it, voting 8-1 to find probable cause that Tony violated Florida law by hiding his drug-use history, his homicide arrest and several other matters. Hadley, in an 11-page report, had recommended the commission find no probable cause.

Ethics commission advocate Melody Hadley

“The commission rejected the recommendation of its Advocate and found probable cause to believe Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony misused his public position,” a commission press release at the time said.

Even the ethics commissioner who was the lone vote against finding probable cause against Tony, Fort Walton Beach attorney Michelle Anchors, called his behavior “despicable.”

Thus, it seems Hadley has at least the appearance of a conflict of interest to now be prosecuting the ethics commission’s case against Tony that she formerly opposed, and further by recommending a settlement that Tony clearly favors because it would demolish the other findings against him.

How things might go is anybody’s guess. The commission has completely turned over since its 8-1 ruling finding probable cause against Tony on Sept. 14, 2022.

The other former commissioners who voted to find probable cause and hold a public hearing on the matter were then-Chair John Grant, Vice Chair Glenton “Glen” Gilzean Jr. (who later resigned after the Florida Bulldog exposed his serious conflict of interest), former Gainesville-area State Attorney William Cervone, former Senate President Don Gaetz, former Leon County-area State Attorney Willie Meggs, ex-President and Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida Ed Moore, former State Rep. Wengay Newton, D-St. Petersburg, and former State Rep. Jim Waldman, D- Coconut Creek.

The current ethics commissioners are Chair Luis Fuste, a Coral Gables attorney; Vice Chair Tina Descovich, an Indialantic resident and co-founder of Moms for Liberty; Tampa attorney Paul Bain; Freddie Figgers, a Fort Lauderdale businessman; Tallahassee attorney Ashley Lukis; ex-State Rep. James Bush III, D-Miami; Laird Lile, a Naples attorney, and ex-State Sen. Linda Stewart, R-Orlando.

While Tony has steadfastly refused to submit to interviews about the allegations against him by either the Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents who investigated him and brought the charges against him or by Florida Bulldog reporters, he did submit a message in the settlement agreement with an unusual bow of humility from Tony.

“Respondent enters into this joint stipulation with the understanding of the seriousness of the allegations and gives his assurance that this proceeding has affected the manner in which he conducts himself as a public official in a positive way,” it says.

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14 responses to “Now the ethics commission’s more serious case against Broward Sheriff Tony is circling the drain”

  1. Karen A. Shelly Avatar

    That is so discouraging. What hope do citizens have in bringing ethics violations to light in cities like Deerfield Beach? We deserve better from our government.

  2. Gary E. Lippman Avatar

    Having represented a couple dozen Florida law enforcement sheriffs’ deputies and municipal police officers in CJSTC open-to-the-public hearings and in public hearings before the assembled Commission over the course of 20+ years, I can say with confidence: had any of my “slick sleeve” clients lied (expressly “under the penalty of perjury”) on a law enforcement agency application, much less hidden a homicide arrest and prosecution, s/he would have been decertified years ago. Add to the mix proven lies to “renew” his Florida D/L, and he would have been criminally charged. (I had a city cop subject of a grand jury for a demonstrably inadvertent paragraph not deleted from a template/form affidavit in support of a search warrant on a drug house).
    The sleeze here is compounded by Sheriff “Dr. Tony’s” attorney in the CJSTC proceedings: the husband of Florida PBA General Counsel Stephanie Webster!; representing an Ermployer “sheriff” who fired the IUPA Local UNION President in retaliation for his complaints on behalf of his member deputies about inadequate supplies of PPE in the first month of the declared COVID-19 “state of emergency.” A months-long PERC Unfair Labor Practice hearing culminated in a detailed “Final Order” declaring that Tony had violated the law when he suspended the Local president and opened an “investigation” of the IUPA UNION Local president patently “in retaliation for protected concerted activity.” While the FOP joined IUPA/me in resisting the appellate pleadings BSO’s commuter bus-load of law firm attorneys in Broward and Leon counties contrived (and the FOP appropriately filed an “amicus brief” after the Florida Sheriffs’ Association threw its cowboy hat into the litigation, Stephanie Webster herself, on behalf of Florida PBA president John Kazanjian, flatly refused my request to join their “bothers and sisters” in preserving the seismic “findings” against Sheriff “Dr. Tony” and the order to restore that Union Local president to his employment “in good standing.”
    Sheriff “ Dr. Tony” fired the union president instead.
    And in the race to jump into bed with this proven serial perjurer so as to secure his illicit “help” to win back the 1400 deputies’ monthly union dues in the next PERC election for a “union,” a “PBA-affiliated” lawyer is representing Tony and, in the single-most appalling betrayal in my 39 years experience by an organization calling itself a “union,” IUPA abandoned its own Local’s president and declined to arbitrate his unlawfully retaliatory separation as found by the Public Employees Relations Commission..
    These supposed “police UNIONS” also jumped into bed with our U.S. president, notwithstanding the violent assaults and beatings of their “brothers-in-blue” Capitol police on 1/6. So much for that vaunted “blue line.” In 29 years of practice in Florida, most of which was spent defending law enforcement officers in their employment (and some criminal) matters, I’ve never actually seen it.
    Expect Dr. Tony to put his thumb on the scale for the Broward PBA’s election campaign aa pay-back for all the legal and political repreaentation by the PBA (e.g., like allowing the moribund and broke Broward PBA on-site access to deputies in line-ups and at the Range order to promote PBA votes/membership in violation of Chapter 447, F.S., as he has before). And don’t expect IUPA to file an unfairr labor practice against their “bed-mate;” even if it was inclined to do so, the International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO in Sarasota has no in-house full-time attorneys!

  3. Do you think these commissioners are receiving payouts ? How does he get away with this.

  4. Greg Tony is a pathological liar and criminal, everyone knows that. He’s not to blame for this garbage. It’s Ron The Douche Bag DeSantis who is to blame. Anyone who could hold Sheriff Scumbag accountable has hopped on the corruption train to help this crap go away. We’re stuck with this turd as long as he wants to be here. DeSantis is the problem. The Ethics Commission is a waste of tax money.

  5. My Cousin Vinny Avatar

    Gary Lipman’s rambling is an automatic migraine for the reader and why Tylenol will probably never go out of business.

    Gary Lipman mentions IUPA being without an attorney which was true for a fraction of a second once he was terminated for doing a horrible job. However, his job was filled immediately with a much more competent attorney.

    As for abandoning members, a memo from the Broward State Attorney’s Office recently highlighted that former IUPA Local 6020 executive board members committed crimes and misused union funds for a variety of things to include paying their personal income taxes and buying home security cameras to just name a couple of the fraudulent acts. Based on the memo from the Broward State Attorney’s Office, it was the former executive board who Gary Lipman infatuates about who abandoned their morals and fiscal responsibility to the members. Gary Lipman also “abandoned” any oversight he could have provided. Gary Lipman was actually affiliated with IUPA Local 6020 and was a go to attorney for the former executive board who he has a crush on. The former executive board also loved Gary but not quite as much as they loved the members money which the memo from the Broward State Attorney’s Office clearly lays out.

    Gary Lipman, did you really not notice any of this was amiss while you were there?

    Gary Lipman, why didn’t you mention any of the above in your rambling post?

    Gary Lipman, you mention doing work for multiple different law enforcement agencies. Is that because you’re highly sought after or do you bounce around for other reasons because maybe no one wants to deal with your garbage? Is it true IUPA fired you? Is it true that the PBA fired you? Is it true you seemed to be disliked by all these different organizations and are the common denominator?

    Gary, is the address the Florida Bar has on file a good one for you? Just in case a process server needs to find you and serve you a subpoena to answer any questions if a civil suit is launched by the union to recover fraudulently used funds.

  6. My name is Raymond L Hicks.  On June 15, 2000, my kids and I, ages 12 and 7, were surrounded by a swarm of Deputies who forcefully and unapologetically stormed my home and at gunpoint. As a former highly decorated deputy, integrity was a part of my job responsibility, which inevitably induced my civil action to speak out against police brutality,  corruption, planting drugs on black offenders and beating young black men to the ground and the unlawful incrimination; this would place me at the federal prison faced with natural life imprisonment without parole. Soon after, I was placed in solitary confinement for 5 months. After being falsely accused and incarcerated for 16 1/2 months by my former department the Broward Sheriff’s Office for allegedly trafficking 350 kilograms of cocaine (equivalent to 750 million dollars), with my career and reputation tarnished, home and cars foreclosed and repossessed, finances depleted and credit destroyed, I truly believe that challenging the “Blue Code” meant challenging longstanding traditions and sentiments of brotherhood, leading to three separate arrests afterwards. With no mention or evidence of drugs or money, this was an egregious attempt to silence my request for justice and I would spend the duration of my time among the general population of detainees which is a death threat. I took my case before a 12-panel jury in federal court, after which they deliberated and came back with a “Not Guilty” verdict within 30 minutes. My YouTube videos hit 6.8 M and I.5 M, 907,479 views within the past year. After 24 years of me speaking about the above mentioned situation the truth has finally come out thanks to Attorney Hoeg and Sun Sentinel reporter Ms. Janine.


    Raymond L Hicks 

  7. Gary E. Lippman Avatar

    Hey “Cousin Vinny!” Why not use your real name (albeit, you’re one of a few suspects)? And maybe spell mine correctly?
    My “horrible job” saved a few BSO careers and negotiated terms and conditions of employment you may be enjoying now; like stopping BSO from skimming thousands of dollars off your cash-outs going into the DROP and upon separation.
    Pretty sure I know who you are. I’ll stand by all my wins for IUPA at the 4th DCA, and the “findings” I won in the ULP over your patron’s dismissal of your(?) union president.
    By the way: IUPA still does not have a full-time in-house attorney. Check the current general counsel’s Bar profile. See the “primary business address?”
    Enjoying my retirement even more now that you’ve acquainted me with that shit I had to get off my shoes.
    You have a nice day!
    Gary E. Lippman (Google me!)
    And I publish my address, too, “Vinny”

  8. Gary E. Lippman Avatar

    P.S. for “Vinny.” Didn’t think I was “rambling” so much. Seemed pretty focused/organized but I’ll accept the “review.” Unfortunately, with BSO and its current “bargaining representative” there’s been an embarrassment of “riches.”

    For the bio you’re writing:

    Over the course of my career, I had 2 Florida cops subject of intense grand jury investigations (one of which was racially charged and was subject of a “manslaughter” recommendation after the first Inquest proceedings in Palm Beach County in more than 20 years). Both of my union members walked with me into and out of the courthouse with “No True Bill.” I represented more than 100 LEOs in OISs and in-custody deaths; and not one (1) ever was criminally charged. And with your “union:” I won ULPs against your master “Dr.” for which your “International union” collected around $50k in my attorney’s fees (for my “union” client being the “prevailing party”); two (2) of the three (3) deputies then-“Sheriff Doctoral Candidate Tony” issued demonstrably wrongful, politically performative dismissals to in 2019, won at arbitrations, and survived years of churned defense motions by BSO outside counsels, and have long-since been reinstated with full back pay and some of the consequential out-of-pocket costs their dismissals resulted in. Your(?) “union” actually REDUCED their court-ordered arbitral recoveries in deals with BSO after I retired effective January 1, 2022. (I forgot about that beaut when I first posted!). Never experienced a real “union” turning what was a pure collection action on any victory affirmed by an appellate court into a negotiated “settlement” that shorted its own member(s). You might want to make a couple Chapter 119, F.S. requests before getting back on the keyboard.

    What was even more obscene [IMO], was the fact that shortly after my 3 deputies were dismissed (June 2019), “International” Executive Board members and its then-general counsel traveled to the Broward County bungalow and, wait for it…. Dumped the entire financial burden/costs of processing the 3 dismissals ONTO THE [YOUR?] LOCAL! I was in that little conference room during that alarming meeting. That was the first, last, and only time I ever saw any “International” officers come over to visit its largest “full-service” Local; whose monthly BSO dues monies are the “International’s” largest “pot-o-gold” and support the west coast lifestyles. As you may know, the Broward PBA pretty much went broke when IUPA won the PERC election from them in late 2015.

    If you’re still interested, and following along (getting close to the end): Virtually ALL of the terminated union members I’ve represented (in NYC and South Florida) are enjoying the retirements they earned; no thanks to their employing agencies (where I’ve actually had Management in Florida put crack-heads/arrestees on the stand to testify against them!). I suspect you may be one of the several BSO deputies calling me for representation on the referrals from someone I think is inside BSO IA. So, I probably told you, as I have the other callers: “I’m retired.” Not showing your name won’t get me to help you when you call again.

    Finally: you know my address because Bar Rules require Florida Bar members’ “primary business address” to be current/published on the Florida Bar website lawyers’ “profiles.” I’ve never hidden it, but if that’s where you got it from, go back and check your “International Union” general counsel’s profile. See the primary business address? 🙁

    I do tend to ramble nowadays, being happily retired from BSO’s bs. But I’ll keep the light on for your process server! 🙂

  9. Gary E. Lippman Avatar

    Didn’t think I was “rambling” so much. Seemed pretty focused/organized but I’ll accept the “review.” Unfortunately, with BSO and its current “bargaining representative” there’s been an embarrassment of “riches.”

    For the bio you’re writing:

    Over the course of my career, I had 2 Florida cops subject of intense grand jury investigations (one of which was racially charged and was subject of a “manslaughter” recommendation after the first Inquest proceedings in Palm Beach County in more than 20 years). Both of my union members walked with me into and out of the courthouse with “No True Bill.” I represented more than 100 LEOs in OISs and in-custody deaths; and not one (1) ever was criminally charged. And with your “union:” I won ULPs against your master “Dr.” for which your “International union” collected around $50k in my attorney’s fees (for my “union” client being the “prevailing party”); two (2) of the three (3) deputies then-“Sheriff Doctoral Candidate Tony” issued demonstrably wrongful, politically performative dismissals to in 2019, won at arbitrations, and survived years of churned defense motions by BSO outside counsels, and have long-since been reinstated with full back pay and some of the consequential out-of-pocket costs their dismissals resulted in. Your(?) “union” actually REDUCED their court-ordered arbitral recoveries in deals with BSO after I retired effective January 1, 2022. (I forgot about that beaut when I first posted!). Never experienced a real “union” turning what was a pure collection action on any victory affirmed by an appellate court into a negotiated “settlement” that shorted its own member(s). You might want to make a couple Chapter 119, F.S. requests before getting back on the keyboard.

    What was even more obscene [IMO], was the fact that shortly after my 3 deputies were dismissed (June 2019), “International” Executive Board members and its then-general counsel traveled to the Broward County bungalow and, wait for it…. Dumped the entire financial burden/costs of processing the 3 dismissals ONTO THE [YOUR?] LOCAL! I was in that little conference room during that alarming meeting. That was the first, last, and only time I ever saw any “International” officers come over to visit its largest “full-service” Local; whose monthly BSO dues monies are the “International’s” largest “pot-o-gold” and support the west coast lifestyles. As you may know, the Broward PBA pretty much went broke when IUPA won the PERC election from them in late 2015.

    If you’re still interested, and following along (getting close to the end): Virtually ALL of the terminated union members I’ve represented (in NYC and South Florida) are enjoying the retirements they earned; no thanks to their employing agencies (where I’ve actually had Management in Florida put crack-heads/arrestees on the stand to testify against them!). I suspect you may be one of the several BSO deputies calling me for representation on the referrals from someone I think is inside BSO IA. So, I probably told you, as I have the other callers: “I’m retired.” Not showing your name won’t get me to help you when you call again.

    Finally: you know my address because Bar Rules require Florida Bar members’ “primary business address” to be current/published on the Florida Bar website lawyers’ “profiles.” I’ve never hidden it, but if that’s where you got it from, go back and check your “International Union” general counsel’s profile. See the primary business address? 🙁

    I do tend to ramble nowadays, being happily retired from BSO’s bs. But I’ll keep the light on for your process server! 🙂

  10. For the bio you’re writing about me:

    Over the course of my career, I had 2 Florida cops subject of intense grand jury investigations (one of which was racially charged and was subject of a “manslaughter” recommendation after the first Inquest proceedings in Palm Beach County in more than 20 years). Both of my union members walked with me into and out of the courthouse with “No True Bill.” I represented more than 100 LEOs in OISs and in-custody deaths; and not one (1) ever was criminally charged. And with your “union:” I won ULPs against your master “Dr.” for which your “International union” collected around $50k in my attorney’s fees (for my “union” client being the “prevailing party” a couple of times); two (2) of the three (3) deputies then-“Sheriff Doctoral Candidate Tony” issued demonstrably wrongful, politically performative dismissals to in 2019, won at arbitrations, survived years of churned defense motions by BSO outside counsels, and have long-since been reinstated with full back pay and some of the consequential out-of-pocket costs their dismissals resulted in. Your(?) “union” (my more competent replacement?) actually REDUCED their court-ordered arbitral recoveries in deals with BSO after I retired effective January 1, 2022. (I forgot about that beaut when I first posted!). Never experienced a real “union” turning what was a pure collection action on any victory affirmed by an appellate court into a negotiated “settlement” that shorted its own member(s). You might want to make a couple Chapter 119, F.S. requests before getting back on the keyboard.

    What was more obscene [IMO], was the fact that shortly after my 3 deputies were separated (June 2019), “International” Executive Board members and their then-general counsel traveled to the Broward County bungalow and, wait for it…. Dumped the entire financial burden/costs of processing the 3 BSO dismissals ONTO THE [YOUR?] LOCAL! I was in that little conference room during that alarming meeting. That was the first, last, and only time I ever saw any “International” officers come over to visit its largest “full-service” Local; whose monthly BSO dues monies are the “International’s” largest “pot-o-gold” and support the west coast lifestyles. As you may know, the Broward PBA pretty much went broke when IUPA won the PERC election from them in late 2015.

    If you’re still interested, and following along (getting close to the end): Virtually ALL of the terminated union members I’ve represented (in NYC and South Florida) are enjoying the retirements they earned; no thanks to their employing agencies (where I’ve actually had Management in Florida put crack-heads/arrestees on the stand to testify against them!). I suspect you may be one of the several BSO deputies calling me for representation on the referrals from someone I think is inside BSO IA. So, apologetically, I probably told you as I have the other callers: “I’m retired.”

    Finally: you know my address because Bar Rules require Florida Bar members’ “primary business address” to be current/published on the Florida Bar website lawyers’ “profiles.” if that’s where you got it from, go back and check your “International Union” general counsel’s profile. See the primary business address? 🙁

    I do tend to ramble nowadays, being happily retired from BSO’s bs. But I’ll keep the light on for your process server! 🙂

  11. For the bio you’re writing about me:

    Over the course of my career, I had 2 Florida cops subject of intense grand jury investigations (one of which was racially charged and was subject of a “manslaughter” recommendation after the first Inquest proceedings in Palm Beach County in more than 20 years). Both of my union members walked with me into and out of the courthouse with “No True Bill.” I represented more than 100 LEOs in OISs and in-custody deaths; and not one (1) ever was criminally charged. And with your “union:” I won ULPs against your master “Dr.” for which your “International union” collected around $50k in my attorney’s fees (for my “union” client being the “prevailing party” a couple of times); two (2) of the three (3) deputies then-“Sheriff Doctoral Candidate Tony” issued demonstrably wrongful, politically performative dismissals to in 2019, won at arbitrations, survived years of churned defense motions by BSO outside counsels, and have long-since been reinstated with full back pay and some of the consequential out-of-pocket costs their dismissals resulted in. Your(?) “union” (my more competent replacement?) actually REDUCED their court-ordered arbitral recoveries in deals with BSO after I retired effective January 1, 2022. (I forgot about that beaut when I first posted!). Never experienced a real “union” turning what was a pure collection action on any victory affirmed by an appellate court into a negotiated “settlement” that shorted its own member(s). You might want to make a couple Chapter 119, F.S. requests before getting back on the keyboard.

    Shortly after my 3 deputies were separated (June 2019), “International” Executive Board members and their then-general counsel traveled to the Broward County bungalow and, wait for it…. Dumped the entire financial burden/costs of processing the 3 BSO dismissals ONTO THE [YOUR?] LOCAL! I was in that little conference room during that alarming meeting. That was the first, last, and only time I ever saw any “International” officers come over to visit its largest “full-service” Local.

    Still following along (getting close to the end)? Virtually ALL of the terminated union members I’ve ever represented (in NYC and South Florida) recovered their employments and are enjoying retirements they earned; no thanks to their employing agencies (where I’ve actually had Management in Florida put crack-heads/arrestees on the stand to testify against them!). I suspect you may be one of the several BSO deputies calling me for representation on the referrals from someone I think is inside BSO IA. So, apologetically, I probably told you as I have the other callers: “I’m retired.”

    Finally: you know my address because Bar Rules require Florida Bar members’ “primary business address” to be current/published on the Florida Bar website lawyers’ “profiles.” if that’s where you got it from, go back and check your “International Union” general counsel’s profile. See the primary business address? 🙁

    I do tend to ramble nowadays, being happily retired from BSO’s bs. But I’ll keep the light on for your process server! 🙂

  12. Gregory, (the doctor) Tony is an embarrassment to the Law Enforcement Community. He grandstands about suspending Deputies, firing Deputies, and arresting Deputies. Yet, NONE of those Deputies has committed any offense that rises to the level of the Doc’s.
    The Ethics Commission MUST hold Tony to a HIGHER standard, in accordance with the prestige that the office he holds is supposed to have! Our Law enforcement Agencies deserve a leader that is respected. That will never happen with the Doc.

  13. Dan C and awesome staff – you need a Like button for comments.

    PLEASE follow up on casey de s. looking to be FL gov candidate for Nov 2026 elections. If so I should be running as “Surgeon General”. What has gotten into these electeds and their “hangers on”??

  14. Where is the Governor? After this disaster in Tamarac, why does Tony still have a job. Multiple parts of the agency apparently failed to do their jobs. Three people are DEAD. REMOVE HIM NOW!!!

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