Florida Bulldog

Fearful voices from Sheriff Tony’s past – witnesses to when he killed – come alive in ethics case. Listen

Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony at a Feb. 19 press conference about the Tamarac triple homicide three days before. On the left is Col. John Hale; on the right is Maj. Barry Lindquist.

By Dan Christensen,

On Friday, Florida’s Commission on Ethics is to consider a proposed settlement with Broward Sheriff Gregory “Dr.” Tony that would quell its unpleasant and embarrassing previous findings about him, like failing to disclose he’d killed someone, with minimal punishment.

In advance of the meeting, the commission laid out in its upcoming agenda what appears to be the most comprehensive set of facts to emerge so far. Nothing new that’s all that important today, yet something startling nonetheless: voices from Tony’s past.

The voices are those of panicky neighborhood witnesses who called 911 after hearing or seeing Tony gun down Hector “Chino” Rodriguez on a Philadelphia street outside Tony’s home in a poor neighborhood on May 3, 1993. At the time, Tony was 14. Rodriguez was 18.

Tony has insisted it was self-defense. Witness statements obtained by Philadelphia police detectives and later provided to Florida Department of Law Enforcement agents tell a different story: That Tony used his father’s .32 caliber, Rossi revolver to shoot Rodriguez multiple times, including two slugs in the back of the head execution style after Rodriguez hurled an insult.

Police 911 recordings are all too familiar to anyone who watches the TV evening news. The frantic, scratchy voices of witnesses to violent crime who beg for a cop, an ambulance, for help. The backdrop is always fear.

Hector “Chino” Rodriguez and his daughter Melanie.

The calls made to Philadelphia police nearly 32 years ago are not unlike calls made to Tony’s BSO shortly after 6 a.m. this Feb. 16. The anxious Tamarac callers were neighbors who heard the commotion that arose when Nathan Gingles allegedly shot and killed his father-in-law, David Ponzer, then hunted down and killed his estranged wife, Mary Gingles, as well as the neighbor who had taken her in, Andrew Ferrin.


The difference is that frightened Philadelphia callers were prompted to call 911 by Tony’s decision to kill. Here, Tony’s deputies responded to the horrific scene that Tony has said happened because of BSO’s multiple failures over five months to protect Mary Gingles. whose position in mortal danger had been made clear to BSO in police reports and court restraining orders.

At a Feb. 19 press conference, Tony took official responsibility for the tragedy while also pointing the finger at everyone in his Tamarac district for BSO’s repeated failings. “So to the public, to the community, to those mothers and women out there who think that we’re going to drop the ball and this is a consistent pattern, know this, when we rectify this situation, I’m going to send the fear of God amongst this entire agency to make damn sure we don’t do this again because this, this death is on my watch. So my watch, I’m the sheriff of this county, I’m responsible,” he said.

Tony added, “This investigation will include every single administrator from the cap and the district commander all the way down. No one is going to get a pass on this and if anyone falls short, they will not survive this.”

“It’s very difficult because I hold these people close to my heart when they die. I read every report, I look at every single tragedy, and I’m a human being like everyone else in this room. And when I know we could have done better and we didn’t do better – and this wasn’t a matter of not [being] properly funded or all these other things as historically has just failed this community – this isn’t it. This is just individuals not doing what they’re supposed to do…I’m basically saying we had a chance to save your loved one’s life and we failed,” he said.

Perhaps Tony, members of his BSO command staff and especially the eight current members of the Florida ethics commission would be interested in hearing the voices of those scared people who called the Philadelphia police in 1993 for help after Tony shot and killed Hector Rodriguez?  If so, click here

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5 responses to “Fearful voices from Sheriff Tony’s past – witnesses to when he killed – come alive in ethics case. Listen”

  1. Jerry Fuller Avatar

    Here’s the truth. Greg Tony murdered his “friend” in 1993. That case somehow got expunged. Tony said he was acquitted, there’s no proof he was acquitted. More than likely he was given a probation status and was told to behave. He did and the murder was pled to and expunged. If I’m wrong I’d like to see the documents. Tony is a pathological liar so why would anyone with common sense believe him without proof, I don’t. When the murder came to light he said it was self defense hoping the police report wouldn’t come out. He lied, it was not self defense. I’m sensing a pattern here. He used LSD, won’t even talk about that. He lied about his checkered driving record, lied on FDLE documents, lied to Ron The Moron DeSantis. He is incapable of telling the truth because he would have to admit to some really bad stuff. When he has to explain a lie he plays the victim and uses the race card, which worked with the media and voters. The CJSTC and Ethics Commission are there to keep police officers and politicians out of these professions when they don’t deserve to be there. In this case DeSantis is pulling the strings and the cowards who sit on these boards won’t do their job. So, Tony The Turd will continue to spend tax dollars branding himself, using IG and FB to tell everyone how wonderful he is and when a deputy screws up he will immediately throw them under the bus. There was a time when I thought an adult would step in and address Sheriff Dr Scumbag, no chance. For some reason DeSantis is protecting him. Keep in mind DeSantis removed a sheriff and two state attorneys who didn’t do so much as jaywalk, leaves this gem alone. The Ethics Commission is going to give Tony The Turd his sweetheart deal like the CJSTC just did and Sheriff Big Head will bless us for years to come. Maybe those Tamarac families will feel comfort knowing some unknown scam was pulled so his Command Staff can wear those pretty rings. Is Ron DeSantis a swinger? I really wonder. 😂😂😂

  2. Kevin Bolling Avatar
    Kevin Bolling

    Everything you said I have found and reported to BSO Broward Inspector, General The, Broward State, Attorney‘s office FDLE the governor‘s office, my senators and all the media in South Florida. The only one to ever contact me was Florida Bulldog. Reporter..
    His lies started with Coral Springs when he lied on his application, which is criminal. He graduated the police academy signing local state and federal papers stating that everything he said was 100% true even his driving record he’s been lying about for decades. When he was first elected, I tried to speak with him because I believed the way he was talking down to his staff was not healthy and that he should talk to Sheriff Al Lamberti about how to treat people.
    In my opinion, the killing the drug use the drug dealing the steroid use the bullying of people intimidating the witnesses and his murder trial so it didn’t go to court is nothing compared to what he has done to Retired Deputy Scott Peterson.
    Sheriff Tony doesn’t read anything. He lied to the Msd families and to this day still continues the lies. He does not attend any of the memorials. He doesn’t communicate with families except the elected official ones and that they will never find peace because the truth is still never been told to them. I’m ashamed of the Broward County sheriffs office administration, but I understand why they have to lay low because of his ego and self promoting bully style. For the safety of people in Broward County and for the honorable public servants that work for the Broward sheriffs office I truly hope that the criminal justice training Institute takes appropriate action and removes him from office. The governor has always been a guy for the people except with this guy. There are some bad rumors about Tony’s swinging and possible connection with the governor. I hope it’s not true.

  3. This incident happened during my final semester at Temple Law School, I used to read the Daily News every day on the subway and I vaguely remember the story because it happened only a few blocks from the law school and even in a violent city like Philly, the shooter was so young and the killing seemed so senseless. Given the press coverage at the time, there is no way that Tony could have just forgotten to disclose it on his application for law enforcement as he has claimed. Tony was a back bencher in Coral Springs who was disliked by most of his fellow officers before Il Duce took a shine to him. He is hands down the the most incompetent and unqualified Sheriff we have ever had in Broward County, and a good example of why you don’t give such an important job to a person with zero experience as even a low level supervisor. I have represented police officers in disciplinary cases for more than 25 years and the allegations against Tony combined with the “omissions” on his FDLE application would have sunk anyone else’s career in a heartbeat. I think that Il Duce forced this unqualified idiot on Broward County just to be vindictive, and now we are stuck with him because of the soft bigotry of low expectations reinforced by the low IQ voters of Broward County who somehow think that they are supporting the concept of civil rights and redemption by voting for a black man who still has zero qualifications for the job.

  4. I have heard the swinger rumors too, they would be easy enough to confirm. I would normally say its no one’s business what you do behind closed doors outside of the workplace, but if you hold a position liker Sheriff of Broward County, you are only opening the door to potential blackmail and extortion, especially if you are a cuckhold. I guess he is confident that Il Duce will protect him no matter how immoral or unethical he is. Trump has tapped other well known South Florida swingers like Roger Stone for jobs in his administration so maybe be should start a campaign to send Sheriff Swinger to D.C. if Il Duce is willing to approve the promotion.

  5. As a 52-year-old black man resident of Broward county, I’m proud of the job he’s doing. I seen the racist sheriffs of Broward county, where was your article at when Nick Navarro races ass was s******* on the black residence of Broward county Mr journalist man. Where were you at when King went AWOL at the sheriff of Broward county Mr journalist man. Do you know how much racism I endure in this county under their leadership I finally has a sheriff that looks like me is making everybody accountable for the f****** that they do… Mr journalist f*** you and get a life

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