By Dan Christensen
In a little-noticed state court battle, Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony is defending himself against several of his predecessor’s top brass. Tony has the advantage of using taxpayers’ dollars to defend his decision-making. So far, he’s losing.
By Noreen Marcus
Domestic relations court is a happy place when families celebrate adoptions. The rest of the time it can be a killing field strewn with the casualties of child custody and property battles.
By Dan Christensen
A Broward judge Tuesday dismissed a legal challenge that sought to block Fort Lauderdale’s controversial deal with the owners of the Florida Panthers, giving them control of a chunk of Holiday Park, including War Memorial Auditorium, for 50 years.
By Dan Christensen
For more than a decade it’s been publicly apparent that Jerry Frank Townsend, a black man, was framed by Broward Sheriff’s Office, Fort Lauderdale and Miami police detectives who coerced him into confessing to nearly two dozen sex murders of African-American women and children that he didn’t do.
By Noreen Marcus and Dan Christensen
As feared, the COVID-19 virus now has invaded Broward’s jail system.
On Thursday, the Broward Sheriff’s Office disclosed that two inmates have tested positive for the deadly virus. No inmates in the Miami-Dade County Jail system have tested positive yet.
By Noreen Marcus
Miami criminal defense lawyer Edward Shohat and Gordon Weekes, the No. 2 public defender for Broward County, have something in common. Both are racing against time on behalf of a client–in Weekes’s case, many clients.
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