By Dan Christensen
In Florida, open government laws guarantee the public’s right to access and make copies of state laws, local ordinances, public agency budgets and many other government records – like the salaries of the governor and city and county leaders. In that regard, however, members of the Seminole Tribe of Florida are second-class citizens.
By Noreen Marcus
Novice Florida Supreme Court Justice Renatha Francis got a chance to rule against the woman who thwarted her high court bid two years ago – and ran with it.
By Dan Christensen
Last week, Gov. Ron DeSantis asked the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a statewide Grand Jury to investigate “crimes and wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 vaccine.” But if the 18 grand jurors and the prosecutors who will shepherd them do an actual investigation, the governor’s request should backfire unpleasantly on him and his apparent hopes for higher political office.
By Francisco Alvarado
Two Miami Beach commissioners are on a mission to fire or at least muzzle the city’s independent watchdog for doing his job too aggressively.
By Dan Christensen The governing board of the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority, operator of Tri-Rail commuter service, ditched staff plans to seek bids for lobbying services and instead rehired its longtime lobbyist amid apparent cronyism, conflicts of interest and possibly wasteful spending.
By Noreen Marcus
As the Florida Supreme Court waits for draconian abortion restrictions to reach its docket, lawyers are road-testing their arguments for and against the deeply divisive law.
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