By Ann Henson Feltgen
The Miramar City Commission has asked Gov. Ron DeSantis to order a temporary stop to rock mine blasting during the state of emergency called for the COVID-19 pandemic.
By Noreen Marcus
Ten years ago, Deepwater Horizon became synonymous with one of the worst environmental disasters in U.S. history. The oil rig explosion on April 20, 2010 killed 11 workers and injured 17; about 4.9 million barrels of crude oil decimated Gulf of Mexico marine life. The horrors were just the beginning.
By Francisco Alvarado
Billionaire philanthropist and Opko Health CEO Phillip Frost, fined for his role in a pump-and-dump-stock scheme, is betting his Miami-based company can capitalize on the burgeoning market demand for coronavirus testing.
By Ann Henson Feltgen
The Florida Legislature is expected to act soon on whether to overturn a controversial 2018 law that prohibits the public from setting foot on the dry sand of beaches that abut private property in Walton County in the Panhandle.
By Dan Christensen
Feb. 19 UPDATE: The Hollywood City Commission Wednesday took a tentative step toward purchasing the former Sunset Golf Course for as much as $12 million.
By Benjamin Paley Hollywood Gazette
and Dan Christensen
Hollywood’s plans to buy a former golf course and convert it into a nature preserve and passive public park are moving slowly amid concerns about the owner’s controversial decision to lay down a thick layer of lime sludge across the site.
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