By Ann Henson Feltgen
Jack and Vicky Brennan looked forward to a sailing trip out of Grenada in July 2020. Months earlier as COVID-19 got worldwide attention, the St. Petersburg couple decided to purchase travel insurance, in case they couldn’t go. Now, the company won’t pay.
By Francisco Alvarado
Local, state and federal moratoriums meant to protect renters from facing threats of eviction throughout the pandemic don’t apply to public housing tenants in Miami-Dade County who miss deadlines to submit proof of their indigent status.
By Roger Sollenberger
A super PAC that claims to advocate for wounded veterans raised millions of dollars this year, but spent only $18,000 of it on political activity. The rest of the money was spun off to administrative and marketing services, including to three companies belonging to one person — a former long-shot Democratic congressional candidate, self-published author, certified nutrition-label reader and serial hustler in East Tennessee named Alan Bohms.
By Dan Christensen
Corruption. The dictionary defines it as “dishonest or illegal behavior, especially by powerful people.”
How else to explain the failures of both the Florida Senate and the Florida ethics commission to hold powerful National Rifle Association lobbyist and board member Marion Hammer accountable for not disclosing more than $1.7 million in arguably illegal payments she received from the NRA between 2007 and 2018?
By Dan Christensen
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s criminal investigation of Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony for making a false declaration under oath last January has expanded to include a probe into whether the sheriff lied to cover up that he’s a convicted felon, as well as other still confidential matters.
By Dan Christensen
F. Scott Fitzgerald, in his 1926 short story The Rich Boy, famously wrote, “Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.”
Today’s very rich Republicans and Democrats exploit their difference to spend as much as they want to control the nation’s politicians.
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