By Dan Christensen
Piece by piece, the puzzle of the heavily censored FBI 2012 Summary Report about Operation Encore, the bureau’s once-hush-hush probe of Saudi government involvement in 9/11, appears to be giving up its secrets.
By Dan Christensen
19 years on, and we still don’t know the names of those who helped aid and finance the 9/11 al Qaeda terrorist attacks on New York and Washington that killed 2,977 men, women and children and injured 6,000 more.
By Dan Christensen
The FBI agent who led the post 9/11 investigation of Saudis who moved out of their Sarasota-area home under suspicious circumstances two weeks before the 2001 al Qaeda attacks urged the FBI to seek information from the CIA about whether they assisted the terrorist hijackers.
By Dan Christensen
U.S. Attorney General William Barr has until Friday to decide whether to take the unusual step of asserting a “state secrets privilege” to conceal who tasked a pair of Saudis living in Southern California with helping two 9/11 hijackers.
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